Sunday, April 15, 2007

My heart bleeds

I am a sell out.
Oh, woe to the day that I would succumb to the utter desperation of no one hearing me and splashing my thoughts on a blog. Times are hard. Lord why choose me in this quest of weakness?! However, I have dignity. I will I say I will refuse to gloriously digress my life with such aplomb that its supposed to be interesting. No my fellow accomplices I will stand tall and slew out only garbage that no man shall dare believe to understand! My hands might be weak but heart is strong.

Je suis la reine de ma langue


bb_aisha said...

Oh no,pls do spare us the weirdness of ur mind.

mademoiselle said...

ofcourse you wouldnt understand an intellects mind, but then again it was never meant for standard run of the mill people. this bandwagons full find another.